Building Services Design Engineer

Provide engineering design results to maintain and enhance the quality of the environment and community.


As a Building Services Design Engineer you will lead a team of engineers and technicians and will collaborate with other construction professionals to design the various services found in buildings and infrastructure projects. 

Your work may involve renewable and emerging technologies, energy management, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, drainage, lighting, power, water services, life-safety systems – the list goes on! 

Buildings and infrastructure take on many forms from newly built facilities to the refurbishment of premises for every sector of industry. 

You will undertake the technical and commercial management of projects which provide engineering design solutions to maintain and enhance the quality of the environment and community. 

Top 5 Tasks

  1. Plan, design, monitor and inspect systems 
  2. Advising clients and architects on matters relating to building services
  3. Making life-cycle decisions about existing systems equipment and the appropriate location of new equipment
  4. Designing systems with the aid of computer-aided design software
  5. Commissioning, organising and assessing the work of contractors


Newly trained building services engineers can earn in the region of £24,000 – £27,000. Trained with experience building services engineers can earn in the region of £27,000 – £35,000

Senior, chartered or master building services engineers can earn in the region of £35,000 – £50,000.

Salaries depend on location, employer and level of responsibility. 

Salaries and career options also improve with chartered status.

Am I Suited?

  • Excellent communicator
  • Confident
  • Self-motivator
  • Leader
  • Flexible
Many construction careers are focused on green technologies and sustainability, making sure the environment is protected during the construction process.


Typically you need at least three A levels at Grades A*-C, including mathematics and physical science or their equivalent. You could also have completed a Level 3 Apprenticeship as a Building Services Design Technician.

You can apply for chartered status to the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) or another construction engineering institution licensed by the Engineering Council.

Vacancies / Apprenticeships

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